Adrienne O – Elevation
The coolest thing about Elevation is the inclusion of seven remixes. So, in addition to the five original tracks there are seven remixes from random people on the internet. How brave is that to not only put your music out there and ask for remixes, but to put the best of them onto the CD right next to your original mix? We’ve never seen this before, but it’s a really fun idea.
The genre is electropop. The band describes it as: “80’s-inspired alt-pop with echoes of The Killers crossed with Duran Duran” You will hear lots of keys, drum machine, and awesome vocals.
The best part of all the tracks is, of course, Adrienne Osborn’s vocals. Her voice has been compared to that of Natalie Merchant and Debbie Harry. That’s not surprising, as she is a talented vocal coach, but it might have really sunk the whole EP if her vocals weren’t amazing.
Clearly the standout track is “Catch Me.” There are four remixes of this track, in addition to the original version, so, if you listen to the whole CD, you get to hear this one 5 times. While the re-mixes are cool, it’s still the same song over and over again, which is not such a bad thing, as it’s a fun, catchy, danceable song, though each remix is a little different.
We also really like the energy of the track “Burn,” even if there’s only one remix.
If you want to hear this music, and you do, please visit: And go see the band live, they put on a really amazing show!