Love.45 – A Demo Diary

Love.45 - A Demo Diary

A Demo Diary, Love.45

Love.45 comes back strong with the three song A Demo Diary. The three songs; “So Far Away,” “Some Other Life” and “Unbroken;” on this disc represent the strength and determination of Love.45 following their unceremonious loss of label support. They recorded at London Bridge Studios in Seattle under the guidance of Geoff Ott. The three songs rock hard and sound well produced. What’s missing from the first two songs are catchy hooks that stick in your head for days, like the standout track on this disc, “Unbroken,” does. The guys have shrugged off the label and are back to doing it on their own. If they keep cranking out music this good, they’ll certainly succeed as independent artists if not more.
Buy this album if you support local music.
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